Fantastisch nieuws: ONEforONE is halve finalist in Ben&Jerry’s Join Our Core competitie!
Uit honderden inzendingen zijn 25 halve finalisten geselecteerd uit 5 Europese landen: Verenigd Koninkrijk, Ierland, Denemarken, Zweden en Nederland.
Op 22 en 23 mei moeten alle halve finalisten in Londen pitchen voor een gerenommeerde jury met o.a. Jerry (van Ben&…..) en astronaut, en onze groene held, Wubbo Ockels! Uit de 25 halve finalisten worden vervolgens 15 finalisten geselecteerd. Zij krijgen een fantastische reis naar Uganda om daar getraind te worden en vrijwilligerswerk te doen op een boerderij waar op een verantwoorde manier vanille wordt gemaakt voor Ben&Jerry’s ijs!
Bekijk de website met alle finalisten en meer informatie! Wij gaan ons ondertussen druk voorbereiden op onze pitch!
De Engelse tekst over ONEforONE op de website van JoinOurCore:
ONEforONE is a social enterprise in The Netherlands that sells water bottles, health insurances and green energy on a ‘buy one give one’-basis. With every product you buy, you give a similar product to someone in need. If you, for example, buy a ONEforONE health insurance you also give a health insurance to an orphan in Tanzania. One for one.
We try to combine our social impact with economic and environmental sustainability. Our stainless steel water bottle, for example, has been specifically developed as an alternative for the millions of plastic bottles that people throw away every day. With the revenues we generate by selling the bottles we sponsor the building of water pumps in Malawi. And because we make a small profit on every bottle we sell we can also cover our own costs, such as rent and salaries.
ONEforONE was founded the end of 2010 and since then helped thousands of people in Africa with clean drinking water, health and solar energy. However, our ambition is to help millions of people and expand our product range to cover all the basic needs. Therefore, we need your support to get the word out! Please support our mission by voting for us. Thank you very much!!!
ONEforONE in 1 minute:
ONEforONE Water Bottle:
ONEforONE Green Energy:
TEDx Utrecht University: